Step 1 - Display the Apply with SEEK button

Apply with SEEK can be used by a candidate to pre-fill in two scenarios:
  1. When a candidate accesses your apply form via a job advertisement on SEEK.
  2. When a candidate accesses your apply form from a different source or directly.
The applyWithSeekButton query  should be called each time your apply form is loaded. It provides display assets for the Apply with SEEK button and a one-time use authorization URL that it should link to. The authorization page prompts the candidate to share their SEEK Profile for the purpose of pre-filling your apply form.

Pre-fill scenarios

Candidate arrives from SEEK

If the candidate has arrived from a link-out advertisement on SEEK, you will receive a seek-token parameter appended to the query string of the applicationUri :
The token should be propagated in your software to the applyWithSeekButton query , and for subsequent signals like apply form submission. It is unique to that specific candidate, job ad, and session, and should not be reused outside of the context of their current application.
  "input": {
    // The HTTPS URL to redirect the candidate to after authorization.
    // Your software may embed dynamic state in the query string for CSRF protection.
    "redirectUri": "",

    // The identifier for the SEEK hirer that is filling the position.
    // "Partner Name on behalf of Hirer Name" will be displayed on the authorization page.
    "hirerId": "seekAnzPublicTest:organization:seek:93WyyF1h",

    // The seek-token received as part of the query string when the candidate arrived from SEEK.
    "seekToken": "eyJqb2JJZCI6MCwiY2FuZGlkYXRlSWQiOjAsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6IiJ9"

Candidate arrives from another source

query ($input: _unstable_ApplyWithSeekButtonInput!) {
  applyWithSeekButton: _unstable_applyWithSeekButton(input: $input) {
    images {
Where a candidate has arrived at your apply form from another source (direct link, company career site, etc.), the seek-token parameter will not be present in the query string and should be omitted from the applyWithSeekButton query .
  "input": {
    // The HTTPS URL to redirect the candidate to after authorization.
    // Your software may embed dynamic state in the query string for CSRF protection.
    "redirectUri": "",

    // The identifier for the SEEK hirer that is filling the position.
    // "Partner Name on behalf of Hirer Name" will be displayed on the authorization page.
    "hirerId": "seekAnzPublicTest:organization:seek:93WyyF1h",

    // The HTTPS URL of your apply form for the specific position.
    "applicationUri": "",

    // An optional hirer-provided opaque job reference.
    "seekHirerJobReference": "REQ-65558"

Content localisation

Your software should include the standard Accept-Language  HTTP request header when it executes the applyWithSeekButton query . We support multiple brands and languages across our markets, so providing accurate country information and language preferences enables us to provide a more familiar experience for the candidate.
See content localisation for more information.

Content Security Policy compatibility

This section is for integration partners who enforce strict content security policies in their web-based software.
Content Security Policy  (CSP) is a security feature that helps prevent various types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. Add the following directive to your CSP to load Apply with SEEK assets from the SEEK API:
Content-Security-Policy: img-src 'self';
This sample directive instructs the browser to only load images from your own domain (self) and our images directory.