objects created.Name | Description |
DistributionGuidelines! | Instructions on how this candidate should be distributed. |
ObjectIdentifier! | The identifier for the Candidate .This is unique for a given hirer & person. |
CandidatePerson! | Information to identify the person,
including their name and methods of communicating with the person. |
[CandidateProfile!]! | The list of profiles associated with with the candidate.Uploaded candidates sourced from the uploadCandidate mutation have a single profile.SEEK candidates have a profile per submitted application.
This field exposes up to 10 recent applications submitted by the candidate.We recommend querying specific applications by their CandidateProfile.profileId s for the Optimised Apply use case.This field is redacted and an empty/filtered list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted. |
String | The candidate's primary email address.The value is only set for candidates with CandidateSource value PartnerUpload .
Values will be unique within a given hirer. |
Parent name | Parent type | Description |
CandidateApplicationCreatedEvent | Object | candidate field |
CandidateProfile | Object | candidate field |
DeleteUploadedCandidatePayload | Object | candidate field |
UpdateUploadedCandidatePersonPayload_Conflict | Object | conflictingCandidate field |
UpdateUploadedCandidatePersonPayload_Success | Object | candidate field |
UploadCandidatePayload_Conflict | Object | conflictingCandidate field |
UploadCandidatePayload_Success | Object | candidate field |
candidate | Query | Result type |