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A subscription for a given event type and scheme to be delivered via webhook.Events are delivered in batches with a HTTP POST request to the specified subscription URL.


The date & time the webhook subscription was created.Initial afterDateTime and beforeDateTime filters apply to this field.
The type of event.See Event implementations for a list of supported values.
The identifier for the WebhookSubscription.
The maximum number of events that will be sent in each HTTP request.This number is between 1 and 10 inclusive. Defaults to 10.
The scheme ID of the event.Currently, only seekAnz and seekAnzPublicTest are supported.
The algorithm for signing webhooks.Currently, two codes are defined:
  • None indicates no signature will be attached.
  • SeekHmacSha512 indicates a HMAC SHA-512 hex digest will be attached to each request as a Seek-Signature header.
A webhook's signature can be used to validate that the request originated from SEEK.Use a constant-time algorithm to validate the signature. Regular comparison methods like the == operator are susceptible to timing attacks.
The date & time the webhook subscription was last updated.
The subscriber-owned URL where events are sent to.
webhookRequests*  ( 
  after: String 
  before: String 
  filter: WebhookRequestFilterInput 
  first: Int 
  last: Int
A page of webhook requests for the subscription matching the specified criteria.A maximum of 100 webhook requests can be returned in a single page. Additional webhook requests can be queried using a pagination cursor.The result list is returned in ascending creation date & time order. It starts from the earliest known request if no pagination arguments are provided.
webhookSubscriptionReplays*  ( 
  after: String 
  before: String 
  filter: WebhookSubscriptionReplaysFilterInput 
  first: Int 
  last: Int
A page of replays for the current webhook subscription matching the specified criteria.A maximum of 100 webhook subscription replays can be returned in a single page. Additional subscription replays can be queried using a pagination cursor.The result list is returned in ascending creation date & time order. It starts from the earliest subscription replay if no pagination arguments are provided.
The optional hirer associated with this webhook subscription.This will only be accessible if there is an active relationship between the partner and hirer.By default webhook subscriptions will send events from all hirers the partner has access to. A non-null hirer field indicates that this subscription is filtered to a single hirer.
The optional hirer ID to receive events from.By default webhook subscriptions will send events from all hirers the partner has access to. A non-null hirerId indicates that this subscription is filtered to a single hirer.

Seen in

Parent nameParent typeDescription
CreateWebhookSubscriptionPayload_ConflictObjectconflictingWebhookSubscription field
CreateWebhookSubscriptionPayload_SuccessObjectwebhookSubscription field
DeleteWebhookSubscriptionPayloadObjectwebhookSubscription field
ReplayWebhookSubscriptionPayloadObjectwebhookSubscription field
UpdateWebhookSubscriptionDeliveryConfigurationPayload_ConflictObjectconflictingWebhookSubscription field
UpdateWebhookSubscriptionDeliveryConfigurationPayload_SuccessObjectwebhookSubscription field
UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSigningConfigurationPayloadObjectwebhookSubscription field
WebhookAttemptObjectwebhookSubscription field
WebhookRequestObjectwebhookSubscription field
WebhookSubscriptionEdgeObjectnode field
WebhookSubscriptionReplayObjectwebhookSubscription field
webhookSubscriptionQueryResult type