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The list of advertisement products available to the hirer when posting or updating a job.This query accepts browser tokens that include the query:ad-products scope.


The new state of the job ad to be created or updated.
The upper limit of advertisement products to return in the list.If your user interface can only display a certain number of products, set this limit so that SEEK can provide the most relevant set of products within your constraints. Do not manually truncate the returned list as that may exclude highly relevant products.This must be a positive integer that is greater than or equal to 4. Defaults to a unbounded list though expect this to remain within reason; we typically return up to 3 products and have only discussed an increase to 4 in future.
The product ID that was previously selected.The selected product ID may be temporarily stored in a job ad draft. When the hirer resumes their posting workflow from the draft at a later date, this previous product ID should not be directly used to post the job ad. Instead, pass the previous product ID in this field. The query will then pre-select an equivalent ad product and return new product IDs that can be used to post the job ad.Omit this field when you are newly creating or updating a job ad. This is not the identifier of the job ad itself; when you are updating a job ad, supply the positionProfile.profileId instead.Do not pass legacy ad types like Classic and StandOut in this field. These values are not supported and will result in a BAD_USER_INPUT error.


A list of advertisement products with additional context that applies to all products.


query ($positionProfile: AdvertisementProducts_PositionProfileInput!) {
  advertisementProducts(positionProfile: $positionProfile) {