Input object

A formatted description of the position profile.


The HTML content of the description.The maximum length differs by descriptionId:
  • AdvertisementDetails has a maximum length of 15,000 characters.
  • SearchBulletPoint has a maximum length of 80 characters per bullet point.
  • SearchSummary has a maximum length of 150 characters.
Scheme requirements:
  • The seekAnz scheme supports the following HTML tags in AdvertisementDetails:
    • a (HTTPS only. Available on a per hirer basis. Hirer must contact SEEK to enable.)
    • b
    • br
    • div
    • em
    • h2
    • li
    • ol
    • p
    • strong
    • ul
    Other descriptions will have all HTML tags stripped.
The description type.Currently, three identifiers are defined:
  • AdvertisementDetails is the detailed description of the position that appears on the job ad.
  • SearchBulletPoint is a highlight or selling point of the position that appears in search results. The number of bullet points that a job can provide is based on the AdvertisementProductFeatures's searchBulletPoints.limit. The length limit applies to each search bullet point separately.
  • SearchSummary is a short description that appears in search results.
Scheme requirements:
  • The seekAnz scheme requires AdvertisementDetails and SearchSummary to be included.

Seen in

Parent nameParent typeDescription
ApplicationLibraryQuestionSuggestions_PositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
CreateUnpostedPositionProfileForOpeningPositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
JobCategorySuggestionPositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
PostedPositionProfilePreview_PositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
PostPosition_PositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
PostPositionProfileForOpeningPositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
UpdatePostedPositionProfile_PositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field
UpdateUnpostedPositionProfile_PositionProfileInputInput ObjectpositionFormattedDescriptions field