• No results found


Structured information about a candidate in relation to a particular position.


An array of attachments related to the candidate's profile.This field is redacted and an empty list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted. For Apply with SEEK candidate profiles, only attachments with the seekRoleCode of Resume are returned.
The Candidate that this profile relates to.This contains the candidate's personal details along with all their profiles for the same hirer.
An array of sources from which the candidate was obtained from.
An array of certifications and licenses the candidate holds.This field is redacted and an empty list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted.
The date & time the candidate was associated with the position.
An array representing the education history of the candidate.This field is redacted and an empty list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted.
An array representing the employment history of the candidate.This field is redacted and an empty list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted.
An array representing the candidate's preferences in an ideal position.This is only available for uploaded candidate profiles and Apply with SEEK candidate profiles. For candidate applications & purchased profiles this will be an empty list.
The identifier for the CandidateProfile.This profile can be queried at any time by passing this identifier string to candidateProfile.
An array of skills or competencies of the candidate.This field is redacted and an empty list is returned when a candidate or job application is deleted.
An array of executable actions linked to the candidate profile.
The date & time the candidate profile was last updated.
The primary position profile for this candidate profile.This is a convenience field to avoid an extra hop through associatedPositionOpenings.
  • For candidate applications, this is the job ad that the candidate applied to.
  • For purchased profiles, this is the unposted position profile that the purchase is scoped to.
  • For uploaded candidate profiles, this is always null.
  • For Apply with SEEK candidate profiles, this is always null.
A personal summary provided by the candidate.Caution: this is currently under development and may be changed or removed without notice.This is only available for Apply with SEEK candidate profiles. For candidate applications, uploaded candidate profiles & purchased profiles this will be null.
The candidate's availability for a new position.Caution: this is currently under development and may be changed or removed without notice.This is only available for Apply with SEEK candidate profiles. For candidate applications, uploaded candidate profiles & purchased profiles this will be null.
seekProcessHistory  ( 
  after: String 
  first: Int
The workflow process history of the candidate.A maximum of 20 process history items can be returned in a single page. Additional items can be queried using a pagination cursor.This is null for non-uploaded candidates.
The completed candidate submission for the position profile's questionnaire.For Apply with SEEK candidate profiles, this is always null.This field is redacted for a deleted candidate or job application.
Deprecated: Use associatedPositionProfile instead.
An array of position openings associated with this candidate profile.

Seen in

Parent nameParent typeDescription
CandidateObjectprofiles field
CandidateApplicationCreatedEventObjectcandidateApplicationProfile field
CandidateProcessHistoryItemObjectcandidateProfile field
CandidateProfilePurchasedEventObjectcandidateProfile field
CreateCandidateProcessHistoryItemPayload_ConflictObjectcandidateProfile field
CreateCandidateProcessHistoryItemPayload_SuccessObjectcandidateProfile field
UpdateUploadedCandidateProfileActionsPayloadObjectcandidateProfile field
UpdateUploadedCandidateProfileDatesPayloadObjectcandidateProfile field
UpdateUploadedCandidateProfilePositionPreferencesPayloadObjectcandidateProfile field
candidateProfileQueryResult type